

Guinea is your go-to origin for fine single-origin Robusta on Algrano. Produced without fertilisers and pesticides by smallholder farming families, this coffee comes from wild plantations where farmers plant more trees every year.

If there's one person who can change the world, it's Mamy Dioubaté. With extensive coffee experience, Mamy founded Macenta Beans in the heart of the UNESCO-protected rainforest region of Macenta, Guinea, West Africa. He aims to change the narrative around Robusta and improve the local market. While investing in reforestation and community projects, Macenta also pays farmers 30% above the local price. This boosts their income, pushes intermediaries to pay more, and renews the younger generation's interest in coffee.

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Macenta Beans

Washing station, Mill, Exporter

In the heart of the UNESCO-protected rainforest region of Macenta in Guinea, West Africa, Macenta Beans is leading a coffee revolution. Founded by Mamy Dioubaté, with extensive experience in the coffee industry and a commitment to sustainability, Macenta Beans is changing the narrative around Robusta coffee. WHY CHOOSE MACENTA BEANS GREEN COFFEE: UNIQUE ORIGIN: Macenta Coffee is the first specialty coffee from West Africa, offering a truly distinctive coffee experience. PROXIMITY TO EUROPE: Located in Guinea, Macenta is the closest coffee producing country to Europe, resulting in shorter transportation distances, faster delivery times and a lower CO2 carbon footprint, aligning with sustainability goals. WILD PLANTATIONS: All our coffee comes from wild plantations, emphasizing our commitment to preserving the natural environment and avoiding artificial cultivation. REFORESTATION AND INCOME GENERATION: Macenta Beans contributes to reforestation efforts by providing up to 150,000 coffee plants yearly to local farmers, renewing their plantations, increasing their income, and boosting productivity. TERROIR AND MICROCLIMATE: Macenta coffee is grown in a unique terroir with an exceptional microclimate, resulting in an extraordinary coffee bean. IDEAL CLIMATE: Rainfall of 260-280 days per year; total annual rainfall 2.000-3.000 mm; average temperature of 25°C (min 12°C, max 31°C). ALTITUDE: Altitude ranging from 600 to 1.100 meters above sea level. SOIL: Volcanic soil; our coffee benefits from nutrient-rich ground.

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The Coffee Harvest in Guinea that Happened Against All Odds

The Coffee Harvest in Guinea that Happened Against All Odds

Florian Schaffner

Things looked bleak for Mamy Dioubaté, the owner of Macenta Beans, an exporter of wild Robusta from smallholder farms in Guinea, West Africa.

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