

Consistency, volume, and affordability made the country’s reputation. But Brazil can also produce quality at scale, backed by some of the strongest environmental and labour laws among producing countries.

Brazil is a much-loved origin at Algrano. The founders spent a year in Brazil when the marketplace was first developed, with direct feedback from coffee farmers. Brazilian producers were also the first to believe in the project, excited to find a new way to access the international market. They are forward-thinking, entrepreneurial growers and cooperatives that make great direct trade partners for coffee roasters.

Verified Sellers from


Discover the right supplier for your roastery, from innovative farmers and independent exporters to certified cooperatives. Volume lots, micro-lots, blends or single varieties... You'll find what you're looking for.

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Cocatrel Direct Trade

Cooperative, Mill, Exporter
C.A.F.E practices, 4C, UTZ Certified, Rainforest Alliance

In operation since July 18, 1961, Cocatrel , has consolidated itself as one of the largest cooperatives in the sector in Brazil, bringing together 5,000 rural producers in about 90 counties

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4C, UTZ Certified, Rainforest Alliance

MINASUL Coffee Cooperative was founded in Varginha in 1958 by a group of passionate farmers, who wanted to improve the lives of its members and build a sustainable, relationship focussed organization. These days, we uphold these core values, and take pride in our commitment to respect, transparency and excellence, working with coffee farmers from over 150 locations across four producing regions: Sul de Minas, Mantiqueira de Minas, Matas de Minas, and Chapada de Minas. Many of our high-altitude farmers grow coffee above 1000 m.a.s.l. in ideal micro-climates. They produce varieties such as Yellow Bourbon, Catuaí, Acaiá, Arara Icatu and experiment with different post-harvest processing methods, such as natural, pulped natural and fully washed. As part of our rigorous quality control, we have a technical team of 7 Q-Graders, who, amongst other responsibilities, work alongside producers to identify unique lots and prepare them for coffee quality contests and purchase.

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Fazenda Inhame

Single Farm
UTZ Certified

Inhame is a farm based in Campos Altos, the highest altitude area in Cerrado Mineiro, Minas Gerais. The average altitude of the municipality is 1,100 masl and Inhame goes up to 1,200 masl. The farm is owned by 5th generation farmer Bruno Antonio Franco and his father Marcos and has been on the family for over 50 years. Of a total of 650 has of land, 100 has are dedicated to coffee. The plantation has varieties like Catuai 144, Catuai 51, Catiguá MG 3, Topázio and Catucai 2SL. Campos Altos has a unique terroir in Cerrado: the municipality makes the transition from the Western border of the Atlantic Forest biome to the Cerrado biome. Campos Altos State Park, with over 700 has of Atlantic Forest, is on the eastern border of the municipality. A few kilometres Northwest of the city, typical Cerrado areas begin. Coffee entered the region on slopes previously covered by the Atlantic Forest, only to climb much later to the Cerrado plateaus. The average annual temperature varies between 18.6° and 19.5°. Inhame is also UTZ certified and complies with strict environmental and labour regulations, such as: protecting natural ecosystems, preventing erosion and deforestation, maintaining wildlife corridors and protecting endangered species, conserving water and protecting local waterways, safeguarding nearby protected areas, improving soil fertility, managing solid waste, and using integrated pest management techniques to reduce the use of pesticides. Workers must be at least fifteen years old; they must be paid at least the legal minimum wage and overtime rates and must have access to healthcare, and education.

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Honey Coffee Farm

Single Farm
FairTrade, Certifica Minas, Organic

I started in coffee growing in 1993, when my father bought Fazenda Fortaleza, it was my first contact with coffee, we work in a family farming regime, focused on the production of natural specialty coffees and pulped cherries, we dry the coffees in paved, suspended terraces and greenhouses. In 2016 we started to do selective harvesting, at first it seemed impossible and unfeasible for Brazil was what everyone said, but thank God the quality surprised us reaching notes and flavors that we didn't even imagine, the selective harvest raised our quality a lot, we have worked hard in recent years, we believe and invest in quality and now we are reaping the results with several awards in regional and national contests. In 2016 we started organic cultivation in a small area and in 2019 we certified our organic coffee at IBD. Another source of income is beekeeping, so we created the brand Honey & Coffee which represents all our work in beekeeping and coffee farms.

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Expocaccer - Cooperativa dos Cafeicultores do Cerrado

Cooperative, Trader, Mill, Exporter
4C, UTZ Certified, FairTrade, Rainforest Alliance

Expocaccer, a genuine Cerrado Mineiro Cooperative, for over 25 years has been recognizing the value of coffee from the only region of Brazil with Denomination of Origin, certifying that our coffees have unique quality characteristics and form of exclusive production. Receiving, storing, preparing and trading excellent coffees are our specialties. We are constantly looking for the most profitable businesses for our members, trading one million bags a year of the best coffees in the Cerrado Mineiro Region, with destinations to five continents and over 30 countries. Coffee produced in the Cerrado Mineiro Region is in line with the profile of a new consumer, who demands quality, production ethics, true experience and who wish to know more about the origin and the preciousness of the coffee.

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Sitio Vargem Alegre

Single Farm

Sítio Vargem Alegre is in the city of Cristina, in the Mantiqueira de Minas Indication of Origin region, at an elevation of 1300 meters. The topography is mountainous, the climate differentiated and the land conducive to producing high-quality coffee. The producer and his family are dedicated to sustainable growing, seeking to work in harmony with the environment. They believe that sustainable agriculture leads to a higher standard of living. The farm has reserves for the preservation of native forests and springs. The varieties Yellow Catucaí, Bourb—n and Acaiá are planted. The farm is in an area that has the Mantiqueira de Minas Indication of Origin seal, which guarantees the origin and quality of the coffee. The harvest is done by the family and is selective, bean by bean, occurring when the fruits are at the peak of their maturation. The coffee is hand-picked over cloths to avoid contact with the soil.

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Fazenda Canta Galo

Single Farm
Q Certified, UTZ Certified, Certifica Minas, BSCA, Rainforest Alliance

Small family farm driven by high quality Canta Galo is a traditional farm located in Campos Altos. A privileged place due to its height and the climate conditions. We work with different varieties of coffee trees aimed at producing excellent coffees with scores from 83 to 92 points according to the SCA scale. We are family oriented and aim to continuing the legacy left by our beloved father, Heron Reger de Carvalho.

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Single Farm

Small coffee producer, most of the crops are as a sharecropper, it is located at 1000 meters of altitude, great quality coffees,

Country overview

Brazilians often refer to their country as terrinha. It is a term of endearment that means “little land” - and the irony isn’t lost on us. With its continental dimensions and states bigger than many European countries, Brazil has been the world’s largest coffee producer and exporter for over 150 years.

The country produces more than 50% of the world’s coffee. This is due to more than good weather and gentle slopes for mechanised harvesting. There is
also extensive research in production, a set of government policies to support farmers, and a
precise approach to irrigation and fertilising. 

Algrano is very important to us. It’s a window to access the market and specialty coffee buyers. With the possibilities Algrano brings to us, a connection to specialty coffee roasters that are compatible with our business model, we can constantly adapt, provide value and create solutions for the needs of roasters.

Fabrício Andrade | Sancoffee

History of coffee production

The success of today’s coffee sector in Brazil goes back to the 19th century. Coffee became the country’s main export in 1830. Back then, São Paulo was the biggest producing country, driving a wave of modernisation and economic investment, turning the coffee barons of old into influential political figures.

This stage of Brazilian coffee history, known as the “coffee cycle”, popularised the still pervasive stereotype of large coffee estates run by wealthy farmers. This was true at the time and so was the fact that Brazil’s coffee production expanded on the back of slavery, abolished only in 1888. 

But things look rather different now. Today, around 300 thousand homes grow coffee in 15 states in Brazil, and most run small family farms. There is no definition for how many hectares a farm should have to be considered small. Properties below 25 hectares are assumed to be in that category.

This partnership started in 2016 and has been growing since. Some clients started buying 30 bags and today buy more than 600. It’s a work of trust and credibility. We have blind trust in every client who comes to us through Algrano because we trust their work. There’s nothing better than talking to your clients, exchanging ideas, and building relationships. They become our friends. It’s not just trading.

Maurício Hervaz | APAS Coffee


Brazil also has strong environmental and labour legislations for coffee production, with hefty fines for those who don’t comply. These include the protection of forests and water sources, adequate housing conditions and protection equipment for workers, the prevention of slave-like and child labour, etc.

On top of compliance with local legislation, Algrano requires that Verified Sellers sign a Code of Conduct regarding their practices. Large estates and cooperatives are also requested to have one or more certifications. 

Quality and harvest

Today, more than 50% of Brazil’s coffee is produced in Minas Gerais, followed by Espírito Santo (the largest Capenhora producer in the country). Around 80% of the coffee is Arabica of the Mundo Novo and Catuaí varieties. But a wide range of varieties is found throughout the country, from traditional Bourbons, Icatus, and Acaiás to the newer Obatãs, Topázios and Paraísos. 

The coffee harvest runs from April to October, peaking from late May to July. The process is largely mechanised but manual picking also exists in mountainous areas, such as Matas de Minas and the south of Espírito Santo. The traditional processing methods are Natural and Pulped Natural, though Brazilian producers are experimenting with multiple fermentations and creating their own recipes. 

Brazilian producers include some of Algrano’s oldest partners. Today, more than 20 farmers and cooperatives in Brazil actively sell coffee in the marketplace. They are small and medium coops offering regional blends or farm lots, and innovative estates led by a new generation of quality-focused producers.

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Will there be enough rain in Brazil to put out the fire in the C-market?

Will there be enough rain in Brazil to put out the fire in the C-market?

September 30, 2024
Luiza Pereira Furquim

The next few months are going to be key in figuring out if coffee prices stay high and just how tight supply will be. For now, green buyers might need to prepare for more price swings. Waiting it out is getting riskier, so a lot of roasters are already raising their own prices.

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Sourcing Brazil for blends & espresso? Up your skills with this green grading guide

Sourcing Brazil for blends & espresso? Up your skills with this green grading guide

September 12, 2024
Luiza Pereira Furquim

Struggling to find a volume coffee from Brazil that fits your budget? You’re not the only one. Learn about how coffee is graded in this origin and discover what options you have to source a good lot at a price that works for you and the producer.

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Are there crop failures hiding in Brazil? The 2024 harvest update

Are there crop failures hiding in Brazil? The 2024 harvest update

July 31, 2024
Luiza Pereira Furquim

Brazil is producing and exporting a lot of coffee but things are far from smooth. While volumes are good, producers need more cherries to build exportable coffee lots. With crop failures lurking in the forecasts, here’s what green buyers need to know to talk coffee with suppliers.

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