

Consistency, volume, and affordability made the country’s reputation. But Brazil can also produce quality at scale, backed by some of the strongest environmental and labour laws among producing countries.

Brazil is a much-loved origin at Algrano. The founders spent a year in Brazil when the marketplace was first developed, with direct feedback from coffee farmers. Brazilian producers were also the first to believe in the project, excited to find a new way to access the international market. They are forward-thinking, entrepreneurial growers and cooperatives that make great direct trade partners for coffee roasters.

Verified Sellers from


Discover the right supplier for your roastery, from innovative farmers and independent exporters to certified cooperatives. Volume lots, micro-lots, blends or single varieties... You'll find what you're looking for.

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Sitio Grota Fria

Single Farm

The property has been in the family for generations and worked with coffee commodities, with work and support from the Apascoffee association, we began to awaken to the quality of our coffees. In 2008 it was certified in the "Certificaminas" coffee program that guided us for property management, but ahead in 2013 we certified in the Fair Trade "FAIR TRADE" which guarantees a fair price for our coffee and also resources for cooperative (Apas) to run its projects. With the implementation of these certifications and the support of APAS in the identification of the quality of our coffees through sensory analysis and mediation in sales, I was very optimistic about QUALITY COFFEES. Property has a different view today of the market, we believe that "quality" will always have added value and will always come to the forefront...

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Fazenda Campo Alegre

Single Farm

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Coopfam - Cooperativa Dos Agricultores Familiares De Poço Fundo E Região Ltda.

Cooperative, Mill, Exporter
FairTrade, Organic

COOPFAM is a Cooperative that covers more than 400 families spread over more than 20 municipalities in the South of Minas, with properties with an average size of 5.3 hectares, is made up of 100% family farmers, has organic certifications (NOP, JAS, CEE, BR) and Fairtrade FLO fair trade certificate. COOPFAM values long-term commercial relationships and exports directly and indirectly 80% of its production to countries such as the United States, Germany, England, Holland, Italy, Japan, Australia, New Zealand. One of COOPFAM's great differentials is that it has a risk management structure through operations with derivatives, this guarantees the delivery of the product to the importer regardless of market fluctuations.

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Fazendas Klem Ltda

Single Farm
Organic, Organic, US Organic, Rainforest Alliance

Klem is a family that has been producing coffee with sustainable practices for more than 10 years. We use a regenerative organic agriculture production system with other types of production such as avocado, banana and preserved forests that make up a protected environment full of biodiversity. We seek to take advantage of all the natural resources from the cascara that we produce where we manufacture our own biochar which is a soil conditioner and where we produce our own energy that we consume with a solar park where we are self-sufficient. We also have our biofactory for the production and multiplication of microorganisms, fungi and bacteria to carry out phytosanitary control of crops. We work with our work team where we provide quality of life at work, we provide good quality houses for some workers and good working conditions, apart from being an essential part of our daily work, they are the ones who make it possible for us to produce the best coffees, avocados and banana to share with all of you. Today, Fazendas Klem is Rainforest, USDA-NOP Organic and Europe Organic certified. The farm also has its processing plant, where the coffee goes through several stages of selection, including selection of foreign materials, densimetry, sieve size and electronic selection. This means that the entire process, from production to loading the containers that are sent to your coffee roastery, is done on the farm. More information: Altitude: 900 – 1250 m. Average temperature: 22,5° C. Location: Martins Soares, Manhumirim, Minas Gerais State, Brasil. Coffee Ha: 200 Ha. Varieities: Red Catucai 785, yellow and red Catuai 44, yellow Bourbon, yellow Icatu, yellow caturra, red Oeiras, red Mundo novo. Processes: Natural, Carbonic maceration, other experimental processes. Harvest: Hand-picked. Drying: African raised bed, Mechanical dried and patio dried. Polyculture: Organic Tropical Avocado, Organic Hass Avocado, Specialty Coffee Organic and Banana prata.

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Cooperative, Mill, Exporter
4C, UTZ Certified, FairTrade, Organic

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Povo Indigena Paiter Surui

Single Farm

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Fazenda Kaizen

Single Farm
C.A.F.E practices, 4C, Rainforest Alliance, Q Certified

Kaizen is a Japanese word and means “continuous improvement”. The kaizen concept values the permanent search for improvement and simplicity. Fazenda Kaizen, located in the Cerrado Mineiro region, is focused on the production of specialty coffees through conscious and technically well-oriented management, with the best practices for achieving social, environmental and economic sustainability. We are a Rainforest Alliance certified farm and, more recently, certified in Regenerative Agriculture by Regenagri.

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Cooperativa Regional De Cafeicultores Em Guaxupe Ltda (cooxupe)

Cooperative, Mill, Trader, Exporter
C.A.F.E practices, 4C, UTZ Certified, Rainforest Alliance

With more than 85 years of history, Cooxupé (Regional Cooperative of Coffee Growers in Guaxupé Ltda) began its activities in 1932, with the foundation of an Agricultural Credit Cooperative, transformed in 1957 into a Coffee Growers Cooperative. The change happened thanks to the sensitivity of the first cooperative members to regional needs. That year, the organization started to have coffee production as its main product. Soon after, in 1959, the cooperative exported its coffee for the first time. Currently, Cooxupé has more than 12,000 cooperative members – 84% of them small producers who live from family farming – receiving coffee produced in more than 200 municipalities in its area of action, located in the regions of Sul de Minas, Cerrado Mineiro and Vale do Rio Pardo (in the state of São Paulo).

Country overview

Brazilians often refer to their country as terrinha. It is a term of endearment that means “little land” - and the irony isn’t lost on us. With its continental dimensions and states bigger than many European countries, Brazil has been the world’s largest coffee producer and exporter for over 150 years.

The country produces more than 50% of the world’s coffee. This is due to more than good weather and gentle slopes for mechanised harvesting. There is
also extensive research in production, a set of government policies to support farmers, and a
precise approach to irrigation and fertilising. 

Algrano is very important to us. It’s a window to access the market and specialty coffee buyers. With the possibilities Algrano brings to us, a connection to specialty coffee roasters that are compatible with our business model, we can constantly adapt, provide value and create solutions for the needs of roasters.

Fabrício Andrade | Sancoffee

History of coffee production

The success of today’s coffee sector in Brazil goes back to the 19th century. Coffee became the country’s main export in 1830. Back then, São Paulo was the biggest producing country, driving a wave of modernisation and economic investment, turning the coffee barons of old into influential political figures.

This stage of Brazilian coffee history, known as the “coffee cycle”, popularised the still pervasive stereotype of large coffee estates run by wealthy farmers. This was true at the time and so was the fact that Brazil’s coffee production expanded on the back of slavery, abolished only in 1888. 

But things look rather different now. Today, around 300 thousand homes grow coffee in 15 states in Brazil, and most run small family farms. There is no definition for how many hectares a farm should have to be considered small. Properties below 25 hectares are assumed to be in that category.

This partnership started in 2016 and has been growing since. Some clients started buying 30 bags and today buy more than 600. It’s a work of trust and credibility. We have blind trust in every client who comes to us through Algrano because we trust their work. There’s nothing better than talking to your clients, exchanging ideas, and building relationships. They become our friends. It’s not just trading.

Maurício Hervaz | APAS Coffee


Brazil also has strong environmental and labour legislations for coffee production, with hefty fines for those who don’t comply. These include the protection of forests and water sources, adequate housing conditions and protection equipment for workers, the prevention of slave-like and child labour, etc.

On top of compliance with local legislation, Algrano requires that Verified Sellers sign a Code of Conduct regarding their practices. Large estates and cooperatives are also requested to have one or more certifications. 

Quality and harvest

Today, more than 50% of Brazil’s coffee is produced in Minas Gerais, followed by Espírito Santo (the largest Capenhora producer in the country). Around 80% of the coffee is Arabica of the Mundo Novo and Catuaí varieties. But a wide range of varieties is found throughout the country, from traditional Bourbons, Icatus, and Acaiás to the newer Obatãs, Topázios and Paraísos. 

The coffee harvest runs from April to October, peaking from late May to July. The process is largely mechanised but manual picking also exists in mountainous areas, such as Matas de Minas and the south of Espírito Santo. The traditional processing methods are Natural and Pulped Natural, though Brazilian producers are experimenting with multiple fermentations and creating their own recipes. 

Brazilian producers include some of Algrano’s oldest partners. Today, more than 20 farmers and cooperatives in Brazil actively sell coffee in the marketplace. They are small and medium coops offering regional blends or farm lots, and innovative estates led by a new generation of quality-focused producers.

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Will there be enough rain in Brazil to put out the fire in the C-market?

Will there be enough rain in Brazil to put out the fire in the C-market?

September 30, 2024
Luiza Pereira Furquim

The next few months are going to be key in figuring out if coffee prices stay high and just how tight supply will be. For now, green buyers might need to prepare for more price swings. Waiting it out is getting riskier, so a lot of roasters are already raising their own prices.

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Sourcing Brazil for blends & espresso? Up your skills with this green grading guide

Sourcing Brazil for blends & espresso? Up your skills with this green grading guide

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Luiza Pereira Furquim

Struggling to find a volume coffee from Brazil that fits your budget? You’re not the only one. Learn about how coffee is graded in this origin and discover what options you have to source a good lot at a price that works for you and the producer.

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Are there crop failures hiding in Brazil? The 2024 harvest update

Are there crop failures hiding in Brazil? The 2024 harvest update

July 31, 2024
Luiza Pereira Furquim

Brazil is producing and exporting a lot of coffee but things are far from smooth. While volumes are good, producers need more cherries to build exportable coffee lots. With crop failures lurking in the forecasts, here’s what green buyers need to know to talk coffee with suppliers.

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