

Consistency, volume, and affordability made the country’s reputation. But Brazil can also produce quality at scale, backed by some of the strongest environmental and labour laws among producing countries.

Brazil is a much-loved origin at Algrano. The founders spent a year in Brazil when the marketplace was first developed, with direct feedback from coffee farmers. Brazilian producers were also the first to believe in the project, excited to find a new way to access the international market. They are forward-thinking, entrepreneurial growers and cooperatives that make great direct trade partners for coffee roasters.

Verified Sellers from


Discover the right supplier for your roastery, from innovative farmers and independent exporters to certified cooperatives. Volume lots, micro-lots, blends or single varieties... You'll find what you're looking for.

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Cooperativa Agropecuária de Campos Altos

UTZ Certified, UTZ Certified, UTZ Certified, Certifica Minas, BSCA, Rainforest Alliance

The Agricultural Cooperative of Campos Altos (CAPECA) was founded in 1974 due to the need of a group of producers to acquire agricultural inputs in general, receive quality technical assistance and other necessary incentives for the development of their activities. The city is popularly known as the "Portal of the Cerrado Mineiro", with an average altitude of 1,100 meters. Over the years, coffee farming has expanded throughout Brazil, consolidating itself in the cerrado region of Minas Gerais. In Campos Altos, it was no different and the main activity of CAPECA's cooperative members changed to coffee production. Today, CAPECA is a cooperative focused on coffee growing. Its areas of activity are: technical assistance, the sale of inputs for the conduction of coffee plantations, storage, preparation, commercialization and export of the coffee of its cooperative members. Campos Altos stands out in its coffee growing as one of the best coffees in Brazil.

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Sancoffee - 20 growers, your Relationship Platform.

Cooperative, Mill, Exporter
C.A.F.E practices, 4C, UTZ Certified, B Corp, SCA Member, Certifica Minas, Rainforest Alliance

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Cooperative, Mill, Exporter

We are a cooperative located in the southern region of Minas Gerais, Brazil, specifically in the Mantiqueira de Minas area. Have you heard of it? With a 63-year history, we have over 1000 cooperative producers, 85% of whom are family producers. Due to our location in the mountains, the predominant workforce in our activities is mainly manual, with an average altitude ranging from 900 to 1530 meters above sea level. The cooperative is deeply committed to developing social, transparent, and sustainable work. Allow me to present a brief overview of the projects developed by COOPERVASS: • "Dia C" (Day C): We visit schools in the region to educate children about the importance of agriculture, with a strong emphasis on environmental stewardship. • "Café Delas" (Her Coffee): This project empowers a group of women producers who lead their farms and produce exceptional coffee (feminine). • Green Coffee: We're pioneering efforts in the mountainous region of Minas Gerais, providing support and working collaboratively to achieve a green seal (Regenerative Agriculture) for producers. This ensures our coffees are not only healthier but also contribute to a better, more sustainable world. • We're proud to hold the Traceability Seal (Mantiqueira Seal - Denomination of Origin), which provides comprehensive information about our producers, including their history, variety, altitude, processing methods, and more. Transparency is at the core of our values. We stand alongside our cooperative producers, offering open spreadsheets to ensure complete transparency and contribute to a better world.

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Cooperative, Exporter
FairTrade, Organic

APAS is a FAIR TRADE association, it is formed by 69 producers, mostly small, its headquarters are located in the District of Ferreiras, municipality of São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, South of Minas Gerais. Our region is privileged in several factors: soil, climate, rainfall, altitude of 1000 to 1500 m, the relief of the crops, all these factors provide a favorable microclimate for the production of high quality coffees. The coffees produced in this region, especially the natural ones, have been standing out with excellent scores, above 80 points on the SCAA classification scale. There has been an increase in the number of producers seeking to improve the quality of pulped coffees. The differential of APAS is not only the quality of our coffees, but the quality of the people who produce these coffees, we value people a lot, because they are the ones who make up the group and this is our secret: the unity of the group, the participation of the associates and the support of our partners, we have transparency and the trust of everyone.

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Vinhal Cafés Artesanais

Single Farm, Mill, Exporter
4C, Certifica Minas, Rainforest Alliance

Since 1988 we have been producing very high-quality coffees in the heart of Minas Gerais state, in Cerrado Mineiro Region - Brazil and throughout this trajectory, we have improved our work and adopted the best sustainability practices and respect for people and the environment. We are a family run business and everyone on duty is absolutely passionate about coffee. Our properties are certified by Rainforest Alliance, 4C (Common Code for the Coffee Community) and Certifica Minas and we are also members of BSCA (Brazilian Specialty Coffee Association). With great care and reliance on innovative craft production, we do our best to ensure that our coffees stand out both in the domestic and foreign markets and we are very proud of all the awards we have already won in some of the main quality contests in Brazil. We are sure that our product really stands out for its extremely different aromas and flavours. So, with great pride, we invite you to try and testify the quality of our coffee!

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Capadócia Coffee

Single Farm

I am Augusto Borges Ferreira, a fourth-generation farmer of the Borges and Ferreira families, Business Administration graduate and a member of the APAS Coffee cooperative. My farm, Fortaleza, is located in the Mantiqueira de Minas mountains in the South of Minas Gerais, with altitudes between 1090 m and 1280 m and average rainfall between 1250 mm and 1400 mm/year. The property is surrounded by riparian woodlands and has two water springs. It is divided into 10 plots: Capadócia, Arrozá, Pedreira, Jacaré, Guatambu, Engenho, Abacateiro, Mangueira Bira and Pereira. I have been investing in quality for more than 10 years as part of APAS, where I also learned about the principles of sustainability in coffee production. I have also rented another plot with two friends, called Project AAA (which stands for Augusto, Ademilson and Alessandro). Sítio Quilombo is located in the town of Campanha and has high altitudes that best produce specialty grades. Quality is not the only reason why my coffee is special. The people I work with at the farm are also really important for the entire process. We pay our collaborators well so that they want to get better at what they do. Take Gustavo, for example. He started moving coffee on the patio and I pushed him to learn more. Today he knows how to roast in the IKAWA, he can create blends and cup. Danilo “Costelinha” is another young lad that operates the mechanical harvester. He earns 3 times more than the local average for the same job and is a top-notch worker! My team is like my family. And my actual family is also very supportive of what I do. My father wasn’t keen on me becoming a coffee farmer in the beginning because it didn’t pay well, but when I started improving the quality and winning competitions he realized there is a future in coffee. I changed the name of our business from Fazenda Fortaleza (I mean, how many farms called Fortaleza are there in Brazil? Hundreds!) to Capadócia. It’s Portuguese for Cappadocia, the region in Turkey where they fly air balloons. I never flew in a balloon but I find it beautiful! From a balloon, you can kinda see miles ahead. It’s like coffee, you know?

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Farmers Coffee was born in 2019 when four young men wanted to honor their families’ coffee expertise and knowledge, while bringing a modern approach to coffee processing. Dério Brioschi Junior, João Paulo Marcate, Luiz Henrique Pimenta, and Phelipe Brioschi were born into coffee producer families and were involved in the daily routine of coffee production from an early age. Their firsthand knowledge of both, the hardship and pleasure of working in the fields allows Farmers to be more than just a company, it encourages cooperation and unites genuine interests of the whole coffee chain, from the producers to the final consumers worldwide. Our goal: premium specialty coffee from the plantation to the cup.

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D'Brasil Organic Coffee

Single Farm, Exporter
4C, UTZ Certified, Organic, Rainforest Alliance

Fazendas Dutra is a family run farm focused on growing sustainable coffee since 1950. The family patriarch José Dutra Sobrinho started the farm with one hectare, buying a second, third and more hectares from the farm’s profits, always working together with nature. Today, the family business is a reference in organic and sustainable farming practices, growing finest organic coffee using sustainable and artisanal methods. Dutra Farms (Fazendas Dutra) are located in the beautiful region of Matas de Minas. Our organic farming practices prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and sustainable land management, ensuring a lasting positive impact on the environment. As farmers, we are committed to eco-friendly and socially responsible practices, understanding the importance of nurturing nature. Our coffee is grown in harmony with the environment - the coffee plantations are planted among rocks, woods and waterfalls. This approach results in coffees with distinct flavors, offering a truly exceptional experience for the market. More than 5,000 avocado trees grow alongside the coffee plantation, providing shade for the coffee shrubs. Our agroforestry setup integrates African mahogany, native forests, and eucalyptus trees, fostering a harmonious environment where crops and natural ecosystems thrive together.

Country overview

Brazilians often refer to their country as terrinha. It is a term of endearment that means “little land” - and the irony isn’t lost on us. With its continental dimensions and states bigger than many European countries, Brazil has been the world’s largest coffee producer and exporter for over 150 years.

The country produces more than 50% of the world’s coffee. This is due to more than good weather and gentle slopes for mechanised harvesting. There is
also extensive research in production, a set of government policies to support farmers, and a
precise approach to irrigation and fertilising. 

Algrano is very important to us. It’s a window to access the market and specialty coffee buyers. With the possibilities Algrano brings to us, a connection to specialty coffee roasters that are compatible with our business model, we can constantly adapt, provide value and create solutions for the needs of roasters.

Fabrício Andrade | Sancoffee

History of coffee production

The success of today’s coffee sector in Brazil goes back to the 19th century. Coffee became the country’s main export in 1830. Back then, São Paulo was the biggest producing country, driving a wave of modernisation and economic investment, turning the coffee barons of old into influential political figures.

This stage of Brazilian coffee history, known as the “coffee cycle”, popularised the still pervasive stereotype of large coffee estates run by wealthy farmers. This was true at the time and so was the fact that Brazil’s coffee production expanded on the back of slavery, abolished only in 1888. 

But things look rather different now. Today, around 300 thousand homes grow coffee in 15 states in Brazil, and most run small family farms. There is no definition for how many hectares a farm should have to be considered small. Properties below 25 hectares are assumed to be in that category.

This partnership started in 2016 and has been growing since. Some clients started buying 30 bags and today buy more than 600. It’s a work of trust and credibility. We have blind trust in every client who comes to us through Algrano because we trust their work. There’s nothing better than talking to your clients, exchanging ideas, and building relationships. They become our friends. It’s not just trading.

Maurício Hervaz | APAS Coffee


Brazil also has strong environmental and labour legislations for coffee production, with hefty fines for those who don’t comply. These include the protection of forests and water sources, adequate housing conditions and protection equipment for workers, the prevention of slave-like and child labour, etc.

On top of compliance with local legislation, Algrano requires that Verified Sellers sign a Code of Conduct regarding their practices. Large estates and cooperatives are also requested to have one or more certifications. 

Quality and harvest

Today, more than 50% of Brazil’s coffee is produced in Minas Gerais, followed by Espírito Santo (the largest Capenhora producer in the country). Around 80% of the coffee is Arabica of the Mundo Novo and Catuaí varieties. But a wide range of varieties is found throughout the country, from traditional Bourbons, Icatus, and Acaiás to the newer Obatãs, Topázios and Paraísos. 

The coffee harvest runs from April to October, peaking from late May to July. The process is largely mechanised but manual picking also exists in mountainous areas, such as Matas de Minas and the south of Espírito Santo. The traditional processing methods are Natural and Pulped Natural, though Brazilian producers are experimenting with multiple fermentations and creating their own recipes. 

Brazilian producers include some of Algrano’s oldest partners. Today, more than 20 farmers and cooperatives in Brazil actively sell coffee in the marketplace. They are small and medium coops offering regional blends or farm lots, and innovative estates led by a new generation of quality-focused producers.

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Will there be enough rain in Brazil to put out the fire in the C-market?

Will there be enough rain in Brazil to put out the fire in the C-market?

September 30, 2024
Luiza Pereira Furquim

The next few months are going to be key in figuring out if coffee prices stay high and just how tight supply will be. For now, green buyers might need to prepare for more price swings. Waiting it out is getting riskier, so a lot of roasters are already raising their own prices.

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Sourcing Brazil for blends & espresso? Up your skills with this green grading guide

Sourcing Brazil for blends & espresso? Up your skills with this green grading guide

September 12, 2024
Luiza Pereira Furquim

Struggling to find a volume coffee from Brazil that fits your budget? You’re not the only one. Learn about how coffee is graded in this origin and discover what options you have to source a good lot at a price that works for you and the producer.

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Are there crop failures hiding in Brazil? The 2024 harvest update

Are there crop failures hiding in Brazil? The 2024 harvest update

July 31, 2024
Luiza Pereira Furquim

Brazil is producing and exporting a lot of coffee but things are far from smooth. While volumes are good, producers need more cherries to build exportable coffee lots. With crop failures lurking in the forecasts, here’s what green buyers need to know to talk coffee with suppliers.

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