

Bolivian coffee's journey to your roastery is epic. From high-altitude farms to mills, through curling mountain roads, and all the way to Chile before it's shipped, it takes a bit longer and costs more. But the payoff? Clean, delicate cups of coffee that your roastery won’t want to miss.

Getting coffee out of Bolivia is no walk in the park. It's the only landlocked coffee-producing country in South America, with roads that twist through high mountains. Producers here need partners who get the operational hurdles and appreciate their unique flavours. Plus, there's a chance to support social and environmental causes, source certified beans, and discover new regions for your menu. Right now, it's only available for custom shipments with a minimum order of 100 bags.

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Single Farm, Exporter
C.A.F.E practices

Agricafe is a Bolivian family business that produces coffee from its own farms and sources high-quality micro-lots from small producers in the regions of Los Yungas and Santa Cruz. As pioneers within South American specialty coffee, Agricafe initially entered the coffee industry in 1986, when Pedro Rodriguez decided to pursue his passion for agriculture. Over 34 years later, he has seen and lived the ups and downs of Bolivian coffee and is now working along with his daughter Daniela and his son Pedro Pablo. The trio runs the company with the idea of restoring and improving Bolivian coffee by launching producer training programs and planting own farms across the above-mentioned regions.

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Cooperativa Agrícola Cafetalera San Juan R.L.

FairTrade, FairTrade, Organic

As producers, we want to reach end consumers through Algrano.

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Cooperativa Integral Agricola de Productores Ecologicos - CIAPEC RLL


Traditionally, coffee in Bolivia has been grown in regions like Los Yungas and the Caranavi province. But with roasters getting more interested in traceability and the specialty coffee market rising, new regions like Samaipata in the Florida province are stepping into the spotlight. The harvest runs from June to November on farms sitting at 1,200 to 2,100 meters above sea level. The main varieties grown by 17,500 farmers are Typica and Caturra, followed by Catuaí and Bourbon, and they’re mainly wet-processed.

Isolated coffee colonies

In the Bolivian altiplanos, you'll find hundreds of small coffee-producing communities. These aren't your typical towns or villages; they're called colonies and can have as few as 30 families each. Unlike in neighbouring Brazil and Peru, farmers here are pretty isolated. The roads, which are in rough condition and maintained by locals without government help, make travelling quite the adventure.

Blended in with the mountains

Isolation and limited access to cities are some of the reasons why Bolivia’s coffee production remains small. Though the country had a boom in commercial production in the 1950s, a leaf rust crisis in 2012 caused a dramatic drop in volumes. In 2020, Bolivia produced only 75,000 bags, while Brazil’s production exceeded 60 million bags.

(Photo: Agricafé)

Competing with Coca

Leaf rust isn’t the only challenge. Coffee also competes with coca leaf production, which has four harvests per year, a year-round market, stable prices, and high profits. This combination has led many producers to switch crops or abandon their farms in search of work in cities or mines.

Through twisting roads and blockades

Exporting coffee from Bolivia is another tough nut to crack, adding to the costs. Being the only landlocked coffee-producing country in South America, Bolivians have to wait a long time for containers, fill them up, and then transport them to Chile through twisting mountain roads. There can be delays at the border and roadblocks led by protesting cocaleros. This is why exporters in Bolivia always have many backup plans.

A diverse landscape reflected in the cup

Carefully processed, Bolivian coffee is clean and balanced like few others. This origin has another strength: its diversity. The many mountains of Caranavi showcase different cup profiles due to variations in temperature and sun exposure. Some farmers deliver cherries to mills, while others bring parchment. Some blend varieties, while others keep them separate. All this impacts the flavour, giving you anything from citrus notes of orange and mandarin to the sweetness of dried fruits and plum.

(Photo: Agricafé)

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