

After a civil war, a devastating hurricane, and a US embargo, Nicaragua's coffee sector is finally getting the recognition it deserves. Producers from Matagalpa and Jinotega are bringing everything to the table—from quality blenders to single-farm lots, exotic varieties, and organic regionals. Great taste with full traceability, always.

Nicaragua, the largest country in Central America, used to struggle with traceability due to limited processing capacity at mills. But things have changed. Now, on Algrano, you can find a variety of coffees from farms, mills, and cooperatives with full traceability. Sellers support small farms with technical assistance, pre-crop financing, and marketing options, ensuring a transparent supply chain.

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Discover the right supplier for your roastery, from innovative farmers and independent exporters to certified cooperatives. Volume lots, micro-lots, blends or single varieties... You'll find what you're looking for.

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A new-gen mill putting coffee farmers first in Nicaragua

A new-gen mill putting coffee farmers first in Nicaragua

April 26, 2022
Luiza Pereira Furquim

Sajonia Estate Coffee is offering a range of single-farm coffees on the marketplace for the first time this year. The mill embraces a service-provider approach, still rare among aggregators, and puts farmers on top of their priority list.

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