

After a civil war, a devastating hurricane, and a US embargo, Nicaragua's coffee sector is finally getting the recognition it deserves. Producers from Matagalpa and Jinotega are bringing everything to the table—from quality blenders to single-farm lots, exotic varieties, and organic regionals. Great taste with full traceability, always.

Nicaragua, the largest country in Central America, used to struggle with traceability due to limited processing capacity at mills. But things have changed. Now, on Algrano, you can find a variety of coffees from farms, mills, and cooperatives with full traceability. Sellers support small farms with technical assistance, pre-crop financing, and marketing options, ensuring a transparent supply chain.

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Discover the right supplier for your roastery, from innovative farmers and independent exporters to certified cooperatives. Volume lots, micro-lots, blends or single varieties... You'll find what you're looking for.

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Aldea Global

Cooperative, Mill, Exporter
UTZ Certified, FairTrade, Rainforest Alliance

22 Small Farmers started Aldea Global in 1992. Aldea Global is a Nicaraguan farmer association assisting more than 9,000 farm families, most of them belonging to the Chorotega Indigenous Community. Our Vision: Be a valuable Association for the progress of our rural families. Our Mission: We are Aldea Global solid small farm families that lead in services and profitable businesses. In harmony with God, the environment, social responsibility and gender equity. Certifications: FLO (2004); Rainforest Alliance (2012); UTZ & Women’s Hands (2017)

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Corrales Coffee

Single Farm
Organic, Organic

Producing organic coffee since 1986, located in the high mountains of the "El Arenal" nature reserve in Aranjuez, Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Our production is based on the cultivation of high-quality organic coffee, under the rules of protection and preservation of our natural resources. The Corrales Family has four generations of coffee producers, preserving the best practices that have allowed us to achieve a distinctive and outstanding flavor. We continue to use the methods of crops used by our past generations, adding only organic products made on our own farm to the soil. We have managed to convey the message that coffee production is an art, that it must be worked with dedication, thinking about our nature, our community, and our consumers. Our coffee is part of our lives and has become the way we can express our effort, respect, and solidarity as a family to the world.

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Finca La Plata

Single Farm

Finca La Plata is nestled in the cloud forest of the Datanlí-El Diablo national preserve in the northern province of Jinotega, Nicaragua. The mountain, on which the farm rests, silently records the story of five generations of women - strong as nails - who’ve nurtured the land while evolving coffee production as a pasionate family affair over the past century. In the 1890’s, Sinforosa and her husband built “La Trampa” from virgin rainforest. They passed their legacy to their daughter Margarita who, after further cultivating the tropical farm, transferred the mantle to her daughter, Mercedes. She and her husband, Garold, mechanized coffee production – innovating ahead of other local farmers – transforming the farm into Hacienda La Trampa. They transferred their coffee legacy to Cynthia, who will eventually transfer the land and its coffee beans to her daughter, Isabelle.

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AdIx Coffee

Single Farm
SCA Member

At AdIx Coffee we have 90 years of heritage in producing coffee, 25 years in selling from our fellow producers and now from our own farm to coffee roasters and coffee shop owners from all around the world. Having our own farm helps us to understand how hard is to produce coffee. Having lived in Europe and the US helped us to understand what the roasters and coffee shop owners want. Having these buyers as friends helps us to meet their needs for marketing the coffee in their cities, and also living in Nicaragua allows us to welcome them here so they can visit the farms, get to see the dry mills, cup their coffees, meet the producers and their families, the export offices and why not go to the Ocean to surf with us :) We are family oriented people, we love coffee, we love communities and we dream of uniting all coffee lovers for the sake of transforming the lives of the less privileged people, while providing great quality coffee to those that can appreciate it :)

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Kaffeemacher GmbH

Single Farm

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Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Producción Las Victorias del Balcón R.L

Organic, Organic

We are a cooperative organization of agroforestry coffee producers with plantations established between 1200 and 1800 meters above sea level. Our production systems are managed in an eco-friendly and eco-friendly way; socially responsible. Our Coffee is made up of varieties such as: catimor, catuia, caturra, bourbon, villa sarchi, villa lobo, mundo novo, Geisha, Maragogype, pacamara, maracaturra among others. We have developed a traceability system for our partners that goes from the planting to the dry mill lot in threshing.

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Cooperativa Agropecuaria Reyna Del Cafe de San Juan R.L


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Sajonia Estate Coffee

Group of Farms, Mill, Exporter
C.A.F.E practices, Q Certified, Organic, Rainforest Alliance, Rainforest Alliance

Sajonia Estate Coffee S.A is located in the city of Matagalpa and our radius of action is Jinotega, Matagalpa and the South Caribbean Autonomous Region. We are a company that produces, process, exports and adds value to coffee and cocoa. We have our own dry mill and roastery, which allows us to guarantee quality by taking care of each of our processes. We work hand in hand with small producers promoting quality coffees from their farms under the "Fincas Coffee Collection" and "Campesinos Coffee Collection" programs. We advise producers on harvesting, wet processing and processes for specialty coffees, we also provide technical assistance, pre-crop financing and marketing alternatives; Our clients have access to a system where they can see the traceability of their lots in each of the processes. gives us an advantage with the Buyers since we guarantee quality and transparency. We work with producers from geographically privileged areas with altitudes of 1100 to 1250 meters above sea level, who are also interested in the production of specialty coffees, with environmentally friendly and sustainable systems.

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A new-gen mill putting coffee farmers first in Nicaragua

A new-gen mill putting coffee farmers first in Nicaragua

April 26, 2022
Luiza Pereira Furquim

Sajonia Estate Coffee is offering a range of single-farm coffees on the marketplace for the first time this year. The mill embraces a service-provider approach, still rare among aggregators, and puts farmers on top of their priority list.

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